Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Good Fat and Bad Fat - What you need to Know

Everyone has heard the advice to stay away from fatty foods. No one knew that there was a difference between good fat and bad fat. As a result everyone started making food that was fat free but still they could not find out why people were still gaining weight. The truth of the matter is not all fat is terrible, in fact specific types of fat is needed by your body and actually even help you Lose weight. This article reveals what the difference is between good fat and bad fat.

Good Fat and Bad Fat List

Your body needs sources of fat to store energy Also, fat is needed so that your body can absorb the many necessary nutrients. So this is the list of good fats and bad fats

Good Fat

HDL - high-density lipoproteins also known as good cholesterol
Monounsaturated Fat- These are fats found in nuts and plant oils
Polyunsaturated Fat – found in fish and vegetable oils

Bad Fat

LDL – Low density lipoproteins
Saturated Fat – found in red meat
Trans Fat – found in deep fried foods and food cooked in high temperature liquid oils
Animal Fat

How to Increase Good Fats

When you intake less bad fats in your diet and making sure you get plenty of good fats you will be able to not only feel healthier but you will burn fat in the process. You can do this by choosing healthier meats and eating more fish and shell fish. Meat products are one of the major sources of fat. Try and stay away from meat that is marbled with fat, hot dogs and salami. As a substitute, try getting chicken or turkey without the skin. Then, by consuming more fish and shell fish you will not only reduce your levels of cholesterol but increase your metabolism in the process. Now that you know the difference between good fat and bad fat, the next time you are shopping for food remember to pick the stuff that will benefit your health and at the same time help you lose weight.


This article is only a summary of the many nutrition tips and secrets at Weekend Weight Loss, visit to find out more.

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