Friday, November 28, 2008

Child Health and Nutrition Facts

It's important to be aware of the facts relating to child health and nutrition if you are a parent. In this article, we look at some of the key facts and tips to ge tthe best nutrition available for your child

Food Guide Pyramid

One of the first steps you are going to have to take If you are concerned with child health and nutrition is to learn about the food pyramid. In order to provide them with the nutrition they need to thrive, it's essential to understand the food pyramid.

Designed by the US Department of Agriculture, the food guide pyramid was created in order to promote healthy nutrition in children over the age of six years. The main emphasis of the pyramid is on the five major food groups, all of which are required for good health.

For proper child health and nutrition you are going to want to make sure that they are eating foods from all of these different food groups. Keep in mind that a serving in the food pyramid is not equal to whatever portion that you can eat at one meal. For instance, although the pyramid says that you should eat 2-3 servings of meat a day this does not mean that you need to eat meat three different times in one day.

Instead, providing you have one large 5 to 7 ounce portion, it means that you can have all 2-3 servings in a single meal.

Also for proper child health and nutrition you want to make sure that they are getting enough exercise. Usually this is not such a major issue with children, but when you take a look at just how many kids are obese these days, it is not optional anymore.

To give your child health and nutrition to keep them healthy, you are going to want to keep them from spending hours on the computer, and instead give them a time limit and then make sure they are doing something active. Whether this means having them play around with their friends or getting them outside to play sports, anything physical is wonderful for their overall health.

You can speak to a child nutritionist if you would like more information on this and some helpful tips and advice. These are professionals who are specially trained in this field and who will be able to offer you valuable information and advice.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Working To Lower The Chances Of Disease With Power Foods

As we get older, we naturally become much more focused on our health. Perhaps we feel our clock is ticking and see the toll that premature aging takes on those around us. Maybe it's just that we're not consumed with worrying about who's talking about us, what our test scores will be, how we're going to make ends meet or if our career is rewarding enough. Either way, recent research indicates that there are certain "power foods" we can add to our diets that will steer our health goals in the right direction.

For snackers, texture is a big thing. You love the crunch of a potato chip or the way a chocolate chip cookie just sort of melts in your mouth. The good news is that one of the power foods on our list has just the crunch you need to feel satisfied: almonds! Two ounces or 48 of these tasty nuts will give you 50% of your daily magnesium, which ensures heart health, as well as providing vitamin E, fiber and monosaturated fat, which is the good kind. One study last year found that participants who ate 2.5 ounces of almonds per day lowered their cholesterol significantly after just one month! Other studies suggest a link between almonds and reducing the risk of colon cancer.

If you've got a sweet tooth, then you may find that watermelon quenches your need for sugary foods. This juicy "summer day" fruit contains beta-cryptoxanthin, which lowers cholesterol. It also has 20% of your daily vitamin A and vitamin C, in addition to providing you with an absorbable form of lycopene, which lowers heart disease and cancer risks. Similarly, blueberries are another amazing fruit that has been known to boost dopamine levels and your mood, as well as providing an anti-oxidant toxin-removal service and improving memory/coordination functions.

Perhaps you find that warm foods and drinks make you feel naturally happier. Maybe you're a reformed coffee junkie. Instead, why not try a cup of tea? Chai tea is a delicious blend of vanilla, cinnamon and comforting spices. Generally black and green teas are the most doctor-recommended for fighting breast, lung and digestive cancers and heart disease. Additionally, a hot cocoa can provide you with antioxidant flavonoids, which fight heart disease and cancer, will reduce toxins in the blood and improve cholesterol ratios.

"More than anything else you do, the way you eat tells your body how healthy you want to be," says Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., a physician in Tucson, Ariz., and author of Food As Medicine. Today, it's easier to eat healthy foods, with public attention shifting towards more diet-conscious meals, restaurants using less cream and fatty butter and websites like acting as a personal diet coach. You may have to say goodbye to a few of your favorite victuals, but once you realize what you liked most about that food, be it the texture, salt, sugar or a certain soothing quality, you will be able to find an adequate replacement.


As we become older there are significant numbers that begin to weigh to a great extent upon us. We have to concern ourselves about our weight, levels of cholesterol, as well as our blood pressure. Things we may have ignored our entire lives now suddenly they have significant importance. But these are things that should never have been forgotten. A lifetime of misuse on the body returns merely damaging things when left unchecked.


Your cholesterol level is absolutely critical if you want to stay healthy and your body operating in good order. High levels has the ability to lead lead to heart attacks and stroke, both of these things you do not want to have to deal with. Being mindful when it comes to your cholesterol level is not only for the elderly. It is something both young as well as old have to be concerned with and be aware of if they hope to to lead a healthy lifestyle. In this article we will go over the basics of cholesterol and hopefully you will realize just how crucial a healthy level is to your body as well as peace of mind.

What is good cholesterol?

Good cholesterol is called HDL which is high-density lipoproteins. Doctor's believe that the high levels of HDL can actually protect your heart whereas low levels of HDL can increase your risk of heart disease. It is thought that HDL can carry cholesterol away from your arteries and back to the liver where it is passed from the body.

What happens when cholesterol gets too high?

Well when LDL gets too high then the cholesterol begins to accumulate on the artery walls and then hardens into plaque. The build up continues until the entire artery is blocked off. This added blockage makes it hard for blood to get to the heart where it can be pumped to the rest of the body. It can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

When HDL levels are high this is a good thing because researchers believe that HDL helps rid the body of cholesterol build-up. That is why a diet rich in foods that promote HDL is always heavily recommended.

How is the blockage from the arteries removed?

The first stage is through medicines however if there is a measurable constrictive or blockage in the artery or blood vessel then a slightly more intrusive procedure is required. The actual functions might change however one popular method is done through the use of a balloon angioplasty. The mechanical device is inserted into the artery and then naviagted to the occlusion where the build up of plaque has happened. The balloon is then inflated to clear the passage. Nowadays the operation is minimally intrusive and most patients are capable of going home on that very day.

Does a diet rich in fish really help lower my cholesterol?

You may be surprised but a diet rich in fish, particularly salmon, can help you lower your overall LDL cholesterol while helping raise the HDL cholesterol. It is the omega-3 fatty acids that have been shown to help the body. But do not stop at just salmon. There are other great foods that can help you reduce your LDL's and raise your HDL's such as: avocados, garlic, black beans, uncooked soy and even Shitake mushrooms.

To learn more click here How To Lower Cholesterol also Cholesterol Level and Controlling High Cholesterol

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Benefit of Antioxidant Foods

Antioxidant Foods Video

The term antioxidant refers to a group of compounds found in everyday substances like plants which have health giving benefits to help fight disease. Phytonutrients are an amazing discovery; found in plants they have the ability to work with our body to improve its defense against disease and illness. Although only nine hundred if these phytonutrients have been discovered so far it is the scientist opinion that many more will be found and will change tomorrows health care needs; more are being discovered all the time and the whole area of nutrition, antioxidant foods and preventative health care is opening up.

There have been a huge number of health benefits discovered so far from many well known foods; pomegranates for example, contain many different properties whilst blueberries have compounds which affect the aging process.

Unrecognized for many years, the properties contained in the blueberry are only just now being appreciated with many antioxidant compounds contained in a fruit with very low sugar content. The easiest way to inject concentrated amounts of these fruits is by drinking juice every day; regular consumption can help our circulation and increase our ability to combat illness.

Not content with helping to prevent illness, these antioxidants also help fight disease and infection. The old saying about an apple-a-day couldn't be truer with evidence that they can help prevent the chance of heart conditions occurring.

Now citrus fruits too are showing that they have a use with a number of beneficial phytochemicals contained in them. Tart cherries can also provide anti-inflammatory benefits to people who suffer with conditions that cause pain in and around the joints. Of course these fruits contain large amounts of vitamins B, C and E plus other which are already known to have beneficial effects on our health. Another group of antioxidants called Phytoalexins (resveratrol) found in many berries can prevent infection and have anti-viral properties.

Many people with other aging conditions prevalent around the world, for instance: heart attacks, stroke and Alzheimer's can all benefit when these compounds are used. The humble tomato has also been under scrutiny with benefits it has guarding against certain cancers and heart problems.

Using tomato puree (which is the concentrated form of tomatoes) as the base for your chili utilizes the antioxidants without the bulk of a whole tomato. Even the humble water melon, so refreshing on a hot summer's day, has now been found to have some of the most important and powerful phytonutrients available naturally. With all the natural goodness fruit contains and now the health benefits as well, isn't it time for you to start having more fruit in your diet.

To get more info on healthy living go to Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol

Saturday, November 15, 2008

L-Arginines Health Benefits


L-Arginine is a dietary substance and an amino acid that helps the body rid itself of ammonia and is used to make such compounds in the body as creatine and glutamate. It can also be converted to glucose and glycogen if needed. The health benefits of this substance are many. Research has found that the supplementation of Arginine may help alleviate atherosclerosis and erectile dysfunction. It's found in protein formation and with larger doses stimulate growth hormone production and prolactin.

One of the most prominent health benefits of L-Arginine is its use in patients who can benefit from increased blood flow, such as erectile dysfunction and heart disease. It is used in the manufacture of nitric oxide, this is found to increase blood flow by reducing blood vessel stiffness and improves blood vessel function. Aginines effect of increased blood flow makes it a candidate in cases of erectile dysfunction. It helps the blood vessels in the penis dilate, increasing the blood flow necessary to sustain an erection. In fact, it increases blood flow and circulation throughout the body, which is why it is thought to be such a good aid for people with heart disease and erectile dysfunction. L-Arginine is believe to be useful in the care and relief from symptoms of arthritis since it is a key component of collagen. Collagen plays a vital role in the production of new tissue and bone cells. For this reason, it is also thought to promote the rapid healing of wounds, especially bones.

Athletes take advantage of the health benefits of L-Arginine due to the amino acid’s ability to promote the release of human growth hormone, which enhances energy and endurance in the body. Athletes also use it to increase the production of insulin and creatine phosphate, which is thought to increase lean muscle mass and enhanced fat loss. L-Arginine has been found to have healing properties and may aid in the healing of bones and wounds.

The health benefits of L-Arginine are many. This essential amino acid with many known properties and functions, some may include the stimulation of growth hormone and improved immune function, plus reduction of hjealing time for injures and aid in muscle gain and fat loss.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Women's Bodybuilding Diet Information

For a female bodybuilding fan, a disadvantage compared to men is that they don't produce enough testosterone. It is important to have a very strong diet to be successful in this sport. That means they have to take advantage of every little aspect of our anatomy to get results that are worth wild. Diet happens to be one of the most important aspects of this. You're going to need to be a very long term oriented thinker because this is going to a lot of consistent behavior on your part for months.

You have to eat properly to get the right results. Even if your workout is the best the results will still be bad, if you're not eating properly to support the body’s proper development.

Eat Smaller Meals More Often: This is a sound rule that you will find in bodybuilding diets for women and men. The reason for it is that it keeps a consistent flow of nutrients into the body, so you properly repair muscles throughout the day. The second reason is that when your body is put into a constant state of digestion, your metabolism increases. This allows you to put on the muscle mass without having to put on a lot of fat with it.

Another important aspect of the female bodybuilding diet is breakfast. Don't be afraid to have a big breakfast. It has the ability to boost your metabolism all day long. If the meal is too small, you won't have that effect, so make sure it is big.

Eating very little or excessive protein: Protein is the key nutrient in any bodybuilding diet plan. In order to build muscle one should consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of lean bodyweight. Less protein can actually hinder one's progress significantly and result in frustration and lack of results. On the other hand excessive protein calories in a diet can be stored as body fat or in some cases used as energy. One gram per pound of lean bodyweight spread over 6 nutritious meals is a great starting point. If you want to build more muscle or you train harder OR you find that you are not recovering as fast you can slowly increase your protein intake to 1.1 grams per pound or 1.25 grams. Protein is the building block for muscle tissue and if you want to build mass OR get ripped you have to start eating more.

Eat A Meal High In Carbohydrate Before You Workout: The reason for this is simple, carbohydrates are you energy food. You need to have intense hard workouts to put on muscle tissue. Your bodybuilding diet needs to fulfill the needs for you to put on muscle and the needs for you to have good bodybuilding workouts.

Water is probably one of the most important ingredients for life. Over 70% of our muscles consist of water. Water is needed for all metabolic processes, including protein synthesis. It helps get rid of toxins, it is important in fat metabolism and it can reduce fluid retention. A good rule of thumb is to drink 10 cups of water per day, increasing it during the summer months and during hardcore training sessions. Even the slightest bit of dehydration can make you feel sluggish and hold you back during your training sessions. Never ignore water intake!!

The female bodybuilding diet also requires you to eat a protein and fat combination before bed. Obviously muscle will repair while you sleep and you need to some how keep them with an abundance of nutrients. By eating protein and fat, the digestive process slows down, so the protein is digested slowly throughout the night.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Extract of Acai stronger then juiced

eXfuze HD Inspiration eXfuze 7+ Exfuse Seven

Finally its celebration time!! Your wait for a drink which celebrates your life is here. The drink of our time and the drink of the future have arrived. Exfuze, a proven natural drink with most of the renowned botanical substances is what the people are talking about at the moment. A health drink with super foods and supported by numerous clinical studies is Exfuze seven plus.

Exfuze distinguishes itself from other health drinks, as it presents a combination of valuable supplements derived from natural fruits and herbs which are indigenous to different parts of the world. The drink has come to be known as the Exfuze seven plus because it is a combination of seven of the world’s most renowned of herbs with high nutritional value. One of the most important components of Exfuze seven plus is Acai or Amazon’s “super berry” as it is locally called. Botanically Acai is known as Euterpe oleracea and it belongs to the family of Arecaceae, a family to which most of the palms belong.

Acai is highly nutritious and a storehouse of antioxidants which helps in building the natural defense mechanism of the body against disease and germs. Its fatty acid content is high too and helps to maintain the cholesterol level of the blood. Studies have shown that being a fruit rich in antioxidants, it restricts harmful free radicals which destroy human cells. Antioxidant, precisely anthocyanidin, present in these fruits destroy cancer cells, restore stamina, and increases vigor.

For all these properties Acai has been included as a key component of Exfuze seven Plus. Hence drinking Exfuze Seven Plus will help people to develop resistance against the harmful pollutants. Moreover, appropriate cholesterol level maintained by this drink minimizes the risk of strokes and other ailments and keeps your heart healthy.

The Exfuze Seven Plus therefore comes as an energy booster and revitalizer to people who are feeble and weak and in no position to regain their youthful vigor at an older age. Also, Acai contributes in the form of a digestive relief. Acai is rich in fiber content and this plays an immense role in regulating the intestinal tract and promotes regular bowel movements and hence prevents any form of malignant disease of the colon. Acai being one of the components in its composition of Exfuze seven plus does wonders in elderly people who suffer from chronic digestive problems. Exfuze seven plus can work wonder on removing body pains and can sooth muscle strains.

So here is a drink with Acai and six other valuable components, namely Fucoidan, Goji berry, Seabucthorn, GAC fruit, Noni fruit, and Mangosteen fruit along with some herbs and goodness of pomegranate and aloe, which has come to give a pain free life. You would love every drop of the drink. For every person – the ones who had just had an operation or one who needs to recover soon, to every single man who wants to live a life strong and happy, Exfuze Seven Plus is just the right choice for you.

Experts have termed it as the “Next Generation Super Food”. So come, drink Exfuze Seven Plus and feel better and enjoy a healthier life. Check out a free sample at or for more research go to

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What Happened to Our Bodies Natural Probiotic Production?

We have many advances in our health care we can be thankful for today. Prior to the 1900’s the top related causes of death were due mainly to contaminated food and water as well as an inadequate housing and waste disposal system. Once we began to understand more about the invisible world full of bacteria, things like indoor plumbing and the sterilization of medical instruments were introduced. With the passage of time, we have become more and more conscience about our personal hygiene. This has resulted in a tremendous decrease in infectious diseases.

On the other hand, while there has been a significant decrease in deaths due to infectious diseases, the introduction of penicillin in the 1940’s, a new type of problem cropped up. Instead of dying of many infectious diseases, death from serious chronic conditions has gotten out of control. The main causes of death are not from poor hygiene, they are dying from the lack of something else.

And this is where our discussion turns to the endangered internal species as a result of antibiotics. The undeniable truth of this problem is – what kills the disease carrying bacteria, also kills our wonderful probiotic bacteria friends.

While antibiotics have helped us eliminate so many diseases, the constant abuse of these medications, which includes prescribing them for illnesses that are virus related, such as the flue or even the common cold. Virus related illnesses are those that cannot be treated or cured with the use of antibiotics Instead, they simply kill off both good and bad bacteria inside your intestinal tract without any rhyme or reason.

In addition to this people have added to the development of the super resistant bacteria due to the lack of following through with their dosage of their medications properly. This has onlycreated more problems as more powerful antibiotics are created with the unfortunate results of the super antibiotic-resistant bug just keeps getting worse.

So, where does this leave us? What is the solution?

Doctors are well aware of the physical consequences that result from antibiotics. So, why is it that along with our prescriptions for antibiotics, we are not then prescribed with probiotics to replace what has been lost through antibiotics?

As easy as it is to blame all the damages and destruction of our healthy flora in our intestines, fast food, soda, diet products, processed foods and the total lack of eating well-balanced meals are also to blame. We are living in a world of convenience which is running at a very fast pace. This causes a great deal of stress, lack of proper amounts of sleep, emotional distress and so forth. Our bodies are simply bombarded day in and day out. Our intestinal health promoting bacteria are exhausted. And we have only ourselves to blame.

So, how do we fix this problem? If you’re reading this article, no matter where you live, you have access to the solution. Even if it means ordering it online.

Helping our intestinal tract is just a matter of introducing the probiotics our bodies have lost and continue to lose daily. We can do this by adding into our diets the fruits, vegetables, yogurts and other foods that contain a wide variety of probiotics. We can also add them by way of probiotic powders, probiotic liquids and probiotic supplements.

In the next article I’ll be talking about some of the more common foods that we can buy to encourage our healthy probiotic bacteria to grow and outnumber the bad bacteria.

Article by Kimberly Shannon. If you missed the first article on probiotics you can find it at our breast cancer support site.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Nutrition Facts For The Elderly

protein rich foods

Healthy eating and nutrition education for the elderly is greatly impacted by several factors, one of them
being a change in body composition.  During the later years in life, the body will lose bone and
muscle and gain fat because the hormones aren't very active anymore.

There are many factors which hinder an elderly person's health.  The information below will help
you to lead a healthy life - no matter how old you may be.


Water in the body decreases with age, so many older folks will become dehydrated very easily.  Sometimes they won't feel thirsty, while other times it's too much work to pour a glass a water.  With this in mind, it's recommended that they drink at least 1 ounce of water for every 2.2 pounds of weight.


At this stage in life, list of high protein foods is very important. Protein is needed to support a healthy immune
system and prevent the wasting of muscle.  Since energy needs are less, older folks should eat high quality protein such as eggs, lean meats, poulty,
and fish.

Carbs and fiber

Foods containing carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the entire body.  You can find carbs in bread,
cereals, pasta, and other grain products.  A diet that's high in fiber and water will help to  prevent constipation as well.


Fat intake for the elderly should be limited, not eliminated.  You can limit fat by choosing lean meats, low fat dairy products, and food preperation methods that don't include frying. 


For the elderly, iron deficiency can be seen with those who aren't eating much.  Good sources for iron include lean red meats or breakfast cereals.


Zinc intake is normally with the elderly, and to make matters worse, it's not absorbed very well
either.  Meat, poultry, and fish should be a part of your diet to help you meet the requirements for zinc.


Calcium is one ingredient that most elderly folks simply aren't getting enough of.  Most believe
that milk upsets their stomach, and therefore they will avoid it.  They should be getting around 1,500 mg of calcium a day, and nonfat powdered milk can be used in recipes as a substitute for milk.  Other foods such as yogurt, low fat cheese, and broccoli can also help you meet the requirements for calcium.

Vitamin B12

In order to absorb the benefits of B12, the intrinsic facotr must be produced by the stomach.  Most elderly people suffer from a deficiency in B12 because they have a condition known as atrophic gastritis.  This condition causes inflammation of the stomach, bacterial overgrowth, and the intrinsic factor. Without the intrinsic factor, this vitamin can be absorbed.

Each one of the above nutrients are needed to keep an aged body in good health.  Elderly individuals should try to stay active and strive for a well balanced diet.  Even though the aged body isn't the same as it used to be, proper care and the right nutrients can help the elderly enjoy a healthy and long life.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Natural Flu Shot That Was Heard Around The World!

The usual routine for most for any given winter is, especially if you forget your flu shot is this. Get cold or flu like symptoms and keep them on and off for a month or so. Certainly this is no way to live. We all live in a very fast paced world and we really need to be on the move and get things done. We don’t have time for down time. Right?

The cure for the common cold is something that has eluded mankind for thousands of years. Chicken soup Vitamin C and a host of other natural remedies have been used for years to fight this formidable foe. But that is all that other remedies can do, try to make the suffering a bit better. What this simple cure does is to put the BAM on the cold or flu.  It effect annihilates it! I noticed another very interesting benefit.  After several years of doing this I have confirmed that this also works like a flu shot, making you immune to any bug that comes along for about 5 months or so. Now that’s cool!

So what is this miracle cure? Garlic. Yes Garlic. I have been amazed at how so many nutritionists and health conscious people like Jack La Lane referred to Garlic as Natures antibiotic. So, One day my wife and I were working and had an upcoming event, which we really needed to be well for. We just couldn’t be sick! So what could we do…Huuuuum. We remembered the power of Garlic and made a juice consisting of:

Handful of Garlic cloves
1 Small Carrot
1 Tomato
1/2 cup Lemon Juice

Raisin Bran with milk or soy milk

We put all of the ingredients, accept for the honey and lemon juice through our juicer and drank it. Then add the honey and lemon juice after which you drink it.   Immediately after this, eat the bowl of Raisin Bran Cereal.  The cereal helps you to keep the juice down.

By the next day all cold and flu symptoms should be eradicated.

There are of coarse some possible negative side affects:

1. Some erupting
2. You will smell like Garlic the next day which means sleeping on the couch. Suggestion: Drink this on a night where you know that the next day you will not come in contact with many People. Hay no remedy is perfect. I just make a joke about it for example: Yah just take me and rub me on your toasted bread… etc.

Remember that this juice may taste bad for a few moments but the positive effects are far reaching.

There are of coarse some Positive side affects:
1. You eradicate the Cold/Flu from your body.
2. You enjoy immunity from other colds for about 5 months.

Note.  I have been doing this for several years now and it really works.  The only time that I start to get flu like symptoms is at the end of the 5 months!  This is the time for a booster shot of the juice.  I only do this two times per year.  Being a teacher I come in contact with allot of bugs and its nice to know that for the most part I am immune from all of the sickness going around.

It however, may be that what you really need is a detox or a colon cleanse.  If this this case may I suggest Master Cleanse Secrets.

If you develop cold sores.  If this this case I suggest: "Cold sore freedom in 3 days".

PLEASE NOTE: Always remember Consult with your Doctor before trying this or any of the other natural remedies that you might decide to try from this Site. And of course your results may vary. Thank You.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Important Nutritional Information

nutritional supplement

When most people eat, they may not consider the food they put into their bodies is not only fuel for energy, its nutritional value helps ward off chronic systemic diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes, prevents deficiencies and curbs issues like obesity and weight gain and metabolic syndrome. There are seven major classes of nutrients we must consume or face serious illness and even death. They are vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water and fiber. Let's break down the nutritional information available.

Nutritional value is a term used on today's food labels. It points out the amount of a nutrient that is provided by a single serving of a food item. Daily values are used to establish standards for comparison. Nutritional information is presented in a format regulated by law. It is therefore consistent from product to product and allows you to compare the foods available to you. It gives you a break down of the energy provided by the food and of the nutrients it contains.


Fats are composed of fatty acids bonded to a glycerol. Fat is classified as either saturated or unsaturated. Generally, saturated fat is solid at room temperature while unsaturated fat is a liquid. Unsaturated fats may be further classified as mono-unsaturated or poly-unsaturated. Trans fats are saturated fats which are typically created from unsaturated fat by adding the extra hydrogen atoms in a process called hydrogenation.


Dietary fiber consists mainly of cellulose that is indigestible because we do not have enzymes to digest it. Fruits and vegetables are high in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is important because it provides bulk to the intestinal contents and stimulates peristalsis - the rhythmic muscular contractions passing along the digestive tract.


About 70% of the non-fat mass of the human body is made of water. Normally, about 20 percent of water intake comes from food, while the rest comes from drinking water and beverages. Water is excreted from the body in many forms; through urine and feces, through sweating, and by exhalation of water vapor in the breath.


Dietary minerals are the chemical elements required by living organisms, and are present in common organic molecules. They include macro-minerals like calcium, magnesium, and sodium, as well as trace minerals such as cobalt, copper, chromium, iodine, iron, manganese, nickel and zinc. Nutritional supplements are available to


Complex carbohydrates take longer to metabolize since their sugar units are processed one-by-one off the ends of the chains. Simple carbohydrates are processed quickly and thus raise blood sugar levels more quickly resulting in rapid increases in blood insulin levels compared to complex carbohydrates.


Protein is composed of amino acids that are our body's structural materials like muscles, skin and hair. The body requires amino acids to produce new body protein and to replace damaged proteins that are lost in the urine. Amino acid requirements are classified in terms of essential and non-essential amino acids. Consuming a diet that contains adequate amounts of essential amino acids is particularly important for growing animals.


As of 2005, twelve vitamins and about the same number of minerals are recognized as "essential nutrients", meaning that they must be consumed and absorbed in nutritional supplement form - or, in the case of vitamin D, alternatively synthesized via UVB radiation - to prevent deficiency symptoms and death.

Nutritional information standards and recommendations in the US are under the supervision of the US Department of Agriculture. Exercise and dietary guidelines from the USDA are under the heading of the food pyramid, which has replaced the concept of the four food groups.