Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What Happened to Our Bodies Natural Probiotic Production?

We have many advances in our health care we can be thankful for today. Prior to the 1900’s the top related causes of death were due mainly to contaminated food and water as well as an inadequate housing and waste disposal system. Once we began to understand more about the invisible world full of bacteria, things like indoor plumbing and the sterilization of medical instruments were introduced. With the passage of time, we have become more and more conscience about our personal hygiene. This has resulted in a tremendous decrease in infectious diseases.

On the other hand, while there has been a significant decrease in deaths due to infectious diseases, the introduction of penicillin in the 1940’s, a new type of problem cropped up. Instead of dying of many infectious diseases, death from serious chronic conditions has gotten out of control. The main causes of death are not from poor hygiene, they are dying from the lack of something else.

And this is where our discussion turns to the endangered internal species as a result of antibiotics. The undeniable truth of this problem is – what kills the disease carrying bacteria, also kills our wonderful probiotic bacteria friends.

While antibiotics have helped us eliminate so many diseases, the constant abuse of these medications, which includes prescribing them for illnesses that are virus related, such as the flue or even the common cold. Virus related illnesses are those that cannot be treated or cured with the use of antibiotics Instead, they simply kill off both good and bad bacteria inside your intestinal tract without any rhyme or reason.

In addition to this people have added to the development of the super resistant bacteria due to the lack of following through with their dosage of their medications properly. This has onlycreated more problems as more powerful antibiotics are created with the unfortunate results of the super antibiotic-resistant bug just keeps getting worse.

So, where does this leave us? What is the solution?

Doctors are well aware of the physical consequences that result from antibiotics. So, why is it that along with our prescriptions for antibiotics, we are not then prescribed with probiotics to replace what has been lost through antibiotics?

As easy as it is to blame all the damages and destruction of our healthy flora in our intestines, fast food, soda, diet products, processed foods and the total lack of eating well-balanced meals are also to blame. We are living in a world of convenience which is running at a very fast pace. This causes a great deal of stress, lack of proper amounts of sleep, emotional distress and so forth. Our bodies are simply bombarded day in and day out. Our intestinal health promoting bacteria are exhausted. And we have only ourselves to blame.

So, how do we fix this problem? If you’re reading this article, no matter where you live, you have access to the solution. Even if it means ordering it online.

Helping our intestinal tract is just a matter of introducing the probiotics our bodies have lost and continue to lose daily. We can do this by adding into our diets the fruits, vegetables, yogurts and other foods that contain a wide variety of probiotics. We can also add them by way of probiotic powders, probiotic liquids and probiotic supplements.

In the next article I’ll be talking about some of the more common foods that we can buy to encourage our healthy probiotic bacteria to grow and outnumber the bad bacteria.

Article by Kimberly Shannon. If you missed the first article on probiotics you can find it at our breast cancer support site.


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