Friday, October 31, 2008

Flouride in the Water - Good or Bad?

Good strong teeth in a child is a priority to conscientious parents. Yet, in spite of the advancements in dental care, more than one fourth of two to five year-olds and half of kids 12 to 15 have one or more cavities. To counteract this, many suggest that adding fluoride to public water will help. Others say it will do more harm than good.

Fluoride exists naturally in water and is the 13th most common element in the Earth's crust.
Some water has sufficient natural quantities. What should be done when it is not naturally present? Should water systems add fluoride to the supply? The debate has been going on for decades and won’t end here. Many factors are involved in this discussion. The purpose here is to consider a few of these, and to give you some options. You need to know whether you need a fluoride water filter for your drinking water.

One side says, “Today, water fluoridation is estimated to reduce tooth decay by 20-40%.” “It is well known that fluoride helps prevent and even reverse the early stages of tooth decay.” These statements have the authority of a trained doctor. This one also: “For over 60 years, water fluoridation has proved to be a safe and cost-effective way to reduce dental caries.”

The pro side says that fluoride decreases tooth decay in two ways. It works when it comes in contact with the surface of the teeth by preventing the acid made by the bacteria in plaque from dissolving, or demineralizing, tooth enamel. Second, it becomes part of the structure of developing teeth in children. Fluoride also encourages teeth damaged by acid to remineralize themselves. It can’t fix decayed teeth but can prevent new decay from occurring.

The other side makes statements like these: “. . . there is no difference in the tooth decay rates of the fluoridated and nonfluoridated areas surveyed.” They even claim that increased amount of fluoride in children also increases tooth decay.

Too much fluoride during the years the teeth are developing can cause enamel fluorosis, a mottling or discoloration of the permanent teeth. To add fluoride to water, along with toothpaste and treatments can exceed the maximum level that is safe.

At times the studies have not considered the long range effects of fluoride. The con side says it has been directly linked to cancer, changes in bone structure and strength, has caused birth defects and perinatal deaths, has impaired the immune system, caused initial stages of skeletal fluorosis, caused osteoarthritis, inhibits key enzymes, suppresses thyroid function and several other adverse problems.

What do they say about the studies that prove that fluoride is good for dental hygiene? The studies had several flaws. First, they did not consider the differences between "natural fluoride" (like CaF) and added fluoride (like NaF). Second, they did not consider the other minerals in the water and these could actually be the cause of decreased instances of tooth decay. Third, the studies lack statistical analysis. Fourth, dental fluorosis is the only safety experiment included.

If you agree with the con side, what can you do if fluoride is added to your water? You could buy bottled water but this option has many drawbacks. Better, buy a water filter that promises to remove the fluoride. Some promise this optionally. For example, Berkey Water Filters have an optional fluoride filter that can be attached to the regular gravity filter rods. There are ways to protect yourself from drinking fluoride in your water if you don’t want it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Beef Up Your Burger’s Nutrition

Diets tend to be pretty strict about cutting out red meat. If a good burger is your weakness, then you may be tempted to cheat. No need! There are delicious hamburgers you can create at home that are healthy and taste good.

Beef Up the Fiber

Adding fiber to your burgers can make them healthier and block seven calories for every gram of fiber.

Try adding fine-grind bulgur to your hamburger before cooking it. Bulgur adds three grams of fiber to the meat and subtracts two grams of fat and one gram of saturated fat. To make it taste good, soak half a cup of fine-grind bulgur in water for 10 minutes. Drain the water out and add the bulgur to a pound of lean ground chuck. Mix them together, form patties, and cook them like any other burger.

You can also try this with rolled oats for a meatloaf-type burger. Add a cup of rolled oats and half a cup of tomato paste to the meat and mix well. These burgers will take a little longer to cook, so cook them on a lower heat.

Beef Up the Vegetables

Another way to add fiber, nutrition, and cut the fat is by adding vegetables to the meat before you form the patties. Diced tomatoes, corn, and dash of hot sauce mixed with the meat make great fiesta burgers. Chopped bell peppers and onions are another good choice as a burger mix-ins.

See, no need to give up your burgers. Just make them healthier and your waistline and taste buds will both be happy.

For more tips on losing weight, try reading a good weight loss guide such as this Fatloss4Idiots review.

The author, Aaron Patterson, went from couch potato to kickboxer in less than a year! His favorite passion is helping people get off their butts and start leading healthier, more active lives through his Website,

How to Eat More Vegetables

You probably know that eating more vegetable helps you lose weight. What you may not know is how to get more vegetables into your diet. Here are some tips to sneaking in your veggie servings without a lot of effort.

·        Add a can or two of mixed vegetables to casseroles and soups. Usually you won't have to adjust the recipe to accommodate the extra veggies, and you boost the nutrition of the dish.
·        Buy precut vegetables. Most of us are too lazy to cut up veggies. If we don't want to cut them up, we probably won't eat them. So, avoid the extra work and buy them precut.
·        Keep a fresh vegetable tray, complete with low fat ranch dipping sauce, handy for snacks. Most stores carry veg trays that are personal sized as well as party sized.
·        When picking up sandwiches at a deli, make sure to ask for extra lettuce, tomatoes, and any other vegetable you can think of. Fast food places such as Subway offer a wide range of good-for-you choices.
·        When ordering pasta at your favorite restaurant, opt for tomato based red sauce instead of white. The chunkier the sauce the more real vegetables it has in it.
·        Make sure to eat salad as a side dish at least a couple of nights a week. Prewashed salad fixings from the grocery store can make making a salad a snap.
·        Drink a vegetable juice, like V8, with breakfast or for a snack.
·        Eat baked vegetable chips, such as Flat Earth. They give you half a serving of vegetables in each serving.
·        Eat a baked potatoes instead of bread with dinner. Make sure to eat the skin, though. That's where most of the nutrition lies.
Of course, you don't have to implement all of these tips at once. Pick one tip a week and built up your vegetable tolerance little by little. Before you know it, your waist will be getting smaller and you won't be able to pass a vegetable by.
Ebooks such as the one in this No Nonsense Muscle Building review can help you learn more about how to get healthier and eat better.

The author, Aaron Patterson, went from couch potato to kickboxer in less than a year! His favorite passion is helping people get off their butts and start leading healthier, more active lives through his Website,

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What Is Lipoic Acid Used For?

nutritional supplement

You've heard of antioxidants and how they neutralize harmful chemicals called free radicals in the body. You may not be aware of an antioxidant that occurs naturally inside every cell of the body and is found in some green vegetables, organ meats, rice bran and Brewer's yeast. Lipoic acid or alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is produced in small amounts by our bodies. Used in nutritional supplement form, it treats such ailments as diabetic neuropathy, coronary heart disease and other serious illnesses.

What makes ALA unique and gives it nutritional value is that it is both water and fat soluble, unlike the more common antioxidants vitamins C and E, and it appears to be able to recycle and extend the metabolic lifespan of antioxidants such as of vitamin C, glutathione, and coenzyme Q10, and it indirectly renews vitamin E. Vitamin C lessens oxidative stress while glutathione helps detoxify the liver. Coenzyme Q10 helps convert food energy into energy inside every cell while vitamin E helps with nerve conduction.

Lipoic acid helps treat the symptoms of a common complication of diabetes called peripheral neuropathy. By speeding the removal of glucose from the bloodstream, ALA enhances insulin function and reduces insulin resistance. A large number of cases of coronary heart disease and obesity are a direct or indirect result of those two factors. Symptoms such as prickling sensations, numbness, burning and sharply cutting pain are relieved by this very useful nutritional supplement.

Free radical damage is thought to contribute to aging and chronic illness. ALA helps neutralize those harmful chemicals. ALA can cross the blood-brain barrier; a wall of tiny vessels and structural cells, and pass easily into the brain. It is thought to protect brain and nerve tissue by preventing free radical damage and is used to treat Alzheimer's disease. Because of those reasons, ALA is also used as a nutritional supplement to treat a myriad of other illnesses and diseases like cataracts, hardening of the arteries, hepatitis, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, high cholesterol levels, and even human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Very few side effects have been reported when taking lipoic acid. A small number of people reported a tingling or "pins and needles" sensation, muscle cramps, headache or skin rash. People with diabetes who are taking medication to lower their blood sugar should take ALA under the supervision of a qualified health professional and have their blood sugar levels monitored as ALA may improve blood sugar control. Some studies have shown that ALA used as a nutritional supplement may alter thyroid hormone levels, so those taking thyroid medications and ALA should be monitored by their healthcare provider.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Antioxidant Nutrition - A Guide

antioxidant nutrition

"Antioxidant" is the collective term for the vitamins, carotenoids, minerals and polyphenols that protect the body from harmful free radicals. The most well known antioxidants include the mineral selenium and Vitamins A, C, E. The carotenoids beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene also have high antioxidant nutrition and are responsible for adding color to many fruits and vegetables. Carrots and pumpkins wouldn't be orange without beta-carotene, for example. Lutein, also important in eyesight, is abundant in leafy green vegetables. Lycopene is present in red fruits and vegetables, most notably in tomatoes. No wonder why many experts stress the importance of eating a "colorful" diet! They know it has tremendous nutritional value.

So why are they called antioxidants? The name represents the mechanism by which they help prevent disease. In humans, a small but significant percentage of oxygen molecules in the body will become electrically charged due to natural cellular activity and/or exposure to environmental factors like tobacco smoke and radiation. The oxygen molecule becomes a "free radical" as it undergoes this process of oxidation. Free radicals are highly reactive as they try to steal electrons from other molecules, including DNA and cellular membranes. This chain reaction of free radicals can damage cells, which may play a role in the development of certain conditions like heart disease and cancer. Antioxidants, however, stop the chain-reaction by giving up electrons and neutralizing free radicals so that they cannot induce any more oxidative damage.

Many studies have shown the link between free radicals and several degenerative diseases associated with aging. Thus, it is possible that antioxidant nutrition can be beneficial in reducing the incidence of cancer, cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease, immune dysfunction, cataracts, stroke, and macular degeneration.

There is an abundance of Vitamin A in liver, dairy and fish. Vitamin C is found in bell peppers and citrus fruits while Vitamin E is plentiful in oils, fortified cereals, seeds and nuts. The mineral selenium can be found in Brazil nuts, meats, tuna and plant foods. You will find lutein in green vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peas and kale. Tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit and papaya are all good sources of lycopene. Beta-carotene is abundant in sweet potatoes, carrots and squash. If you are not getting enough in your diet, the next step you may want to consider is nutritional supplements.

Arming yourself with the right data regarding antioxidant nutrition is the first step in creating a knowledge base of nutritional information. There are many ways to do this. You can search the web, go to your local library and do some hands on research, or you can consult a nutritionist. They can take a hard look at your current diet and goals and suggest supplementation as needed.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Home-Cooked Food Is Good Food

Each day our lives get busier. We are always going from one place to the next for work or with our children. We have the temptation to stop at the closest fast food place rather than waiting to get home and make dinner. It is usually fast, cheap, there are many options to choose, and there can be found on virtually every street corner. Nevertheless, the next time you’re deciding on whether you should pick up something fast, think about how a home-cooked meal would be a better option for your family.

Fast food chains, in addition to other restaurant chains, become popular by offering the same or similar dishes at all their restaurants. That way no matter where you are or what location you go to eat, they will have your favorite dish. By doing this, they can keep customers coming back and you get what you want to eat.

A very big issue with these chains is the process they take to offer the same product at every restaurant. They accomplish this by mass producing food in. To help keep the food fresh and to make all of the food look and taste the same, the food is filled it with preservatives, coloring, and flavoring. The food is then frozen, sometimes for long periods of time.

The companies that produce fast food have intended it to be just that - fast. It’s also made to taste decent enough to get the person eating hooked and keep them coming back. Unsurprisingly, when the focus of the fast food chains are on speed and taste, the customer’s health is a low priority. Many fast food options are low in fiber and high in fat, calories, sugar, and salt.

In recent years lawsuits have caused fast food chains to offer more nourishing options, they are in general more costly and in spite of everything not incredibly healthy. For instance, while a salad may appear like an excellent choice, various salads at chain restaurants use cheese, bacon, high-fat dressing, croutons, and other unhealthy ingredients.

Bear in mind that just because you prepare a meal at home does not mean it’s not “fast food”. While prepared boxed or bagged meals are appealing because they are easy, several of them have identical problems as fast food restaurants. These types of foods have just as many preservatives, and can have the same amount of fat and calories, and just as low in nutrition.

If you’re looking for alternatives that you can quickly pull out of the freezer and warm up, why not prepare meals with the kids on the weekend and freeze your pre-cooked meals for later in the week? Additionally you can prepare pre-made lunches and snacks. If are going to use pre-packed food, attempt to use it in moderation and remember to read labels (ingredients lists too, not just fat and calories) to ensure you’re making the healthiest choice. While faster food may be convenient, taking time to make healthy home-made meals is well worth the effort.

For additional health tips and articles visit

Also check out or health blogit is updated daily.

Can You Trust Vitamin World?


As more and more people realize that they aren't receiving enough nutrition from their everyday meals, natural nutritional supplement manufacturers like Vitamin World (one of the oldest) have seen an increase in the demand for their products. However, Vitamin World is not simply a suppler of nutritional supplements but a manufacturer as well.

In fact they have over 500 stores across America. Whilst that is impressive, it is their online presence that has really made them grow with an automated ordering and distribution system second to none.

The dispatch system is so efficient it is able to send out thousands of packages across America and elsewhere every single day of the week. Vitamin World started over 40 years ago in Long Island and has grown to the point where it has over 1,000 products in its catalogue.

In fact everything that Vitamin World manufacture is in their plant in Long Island. This is a severe operation that makes all-embracing use of every type of delivery system like tablets, gels, liquids and powders for every type of vitamin and mineral complex available.

Vitamin World's well earned reputation did not come overnight and they have invested millions of dollars to include a first rate manufacturing and quality control aspect to their business. The demand for quality nutritional supplements is persistently increasing and Vitamin World keeps ahead of the trends with its own scientists and researchers striving to develop new products to satisfy the needs of the public.

Federal and State agencies are often work in association with Vitamin World to that the testing laws are adhered to and that everything they sell does exactly what it claims too. This gives all Vitamin World regulars the reassurance that their nutritional supplements are produced to the highest possible standards and with the best amount of purity available.

The systems used by Vitamin World that many other nutritional supplement suppliers would also like to have facilities that meet this standard. Vitamin world require to provide a first class service and one that everyone can use no matter if they are not nearby a store and that is why they launched the online service.

Whether you purchase online or not, the same level of service is promised and contentment guaranteed. Vitamin World knows that without the best natural nutritional supplements they would not be providing for the health of their clients of all ages and are well aware of the importance of persistent research in this area.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Single Celled Chlorella Can Give Ones Diet A Nutritional Boost

Each food we eat has a different, specific effect on the body.  Meat and fish are rich in protein and help to build the body’s muscle structure, while carbohydrate foods like bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta are rich in sugar and are instantly converted to energy and also stored for energy.  Vegetables and fruits have an abundant amount of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiver, and antioxidants that help other foods to do their jobs.  Because each food has its own role in the body, getting the correct amount of each food is vital. 

One doctor suggests that what and how much to eat should be determined by the number and shape of the teeth.  Since humans have four canine teeth for chewing meats, eight incisor teeth for vegetables and fruits, and 20 molar and pre-molar teeth for grinding staple foods, the ration should be meat one, vegetables two, and staple foods five for a well balanced ratio of eating.

However, today’s typical diet is far from being well-balanced.  Vegetables are usually what lack most in diets, which regulate the body.  Because of this, meat dishes and staple foods can’t do their jobs and instead, remain in the body as fat, making improperly metabolized food cause disease.  This unbalanced diet means that food becomes body fat and increased body fat causes hyperlipema, which clogs the blood with fat, but also raises the risk of diabetes, hypertension, and arteriosclerosis. 

Chlorella extract can be used to effectively supply the body with nutrients that are identical to vegetables.  With eating being one of life’s joys, it is only human instinct to want to eat a lot of delicious food.  This desire often influences our lives.  However, eating an unbalanced diet can increase excessive body fat, leading to a variety of diseases.  Along with balancing the diet, chlorella is able to cleanse the blood by eliminating the excess fat and making blood vessels more flexible.  This helps to lower cholesterol in the blood and liver.  Chlorella also has the ability to improve hypertension, improve diabetes, protect against arteriosclerosis, prevent stomach ulcers, and prevent anemia.

The human digestive system is responsible for taking in necessary nutrients for the maintenance of life.  The intestines can be considered the entrance to the body, where nutrients from food are absorbed.  However, intestines are also the entrance for toxins, which can lead to various diseases such as colon cancer, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, cystitis, poor skin, headaches, dizziness, stiff shoulders, stomachaches, insomnia, anorexia, hemorrhoids, allergies, and lowered immunity.  Some common toxins include dioxins, heavy metals, residual agricultural chemicals, food additives, and prescription drugs.  All of these materials are highly absorbable, highly residual in the body, and not easily detoxified by just the liver. 

It’s necessary to improve liver metabolism to detoxify and regulate the environment inside the body.  Chlorella is able to detoxify the body by boosting liver metabolism and detoxify the poisons that are highly residual and not able to be detoxified by the liver.  As a detoxifier, chlorella is responsible for the detoxification of PCBs, excretion of dioxin, detoxification of heavy metals, and improvement of constipation.  Have you had your chlorella today?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Free Radical Fighter - Alpha Lipoic Acid

nutritional value

What neutralizes free radicals in both watery and fatty regions of cells? What produces energy by converting glucose for our body's normal function? Alpha lipoic acid or ALA. ALA is used to treat diabetic neuropathy, hepatitis and more. Our bodies produce this antioxidant nutrition in small amounts and it occurs naturally in organ meats, peas, rice bran, Brewer's yeast, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. Supplementation is a good way to get an added boost. What other ailments is it used to treat and how much should you take? Why don't we take a look?

What makes ALA unique and gives it nutritional value is that it is both water and fat soluble, unlike the more common antioxidants vitamins C and E, and it appears to be able to recycle and extend the metabolic lifespan of antioxidants such as of vitamin C, glutathione, and coenzyme Q10, and it indirectly renews vitamin E. Vitamin C lessens oxidative stress while glutathione helps detoxify the liver. Coenzyme Q10 helps convert food energy into energy inside every cell while vitamin E helps with nerve conduction.

Alpha lipoic acid is used to treat a common complication of diabetes called peripheral neuropathy. It speeds the removal of glucose from the bloodstream, at least partly by enhancing insulin function, and it reduces insulin resistance, the basis of many cases of coronary heart disease and obesity. It significantly and rapidly reduces the frequency and severity of diabetic neuropathy symptoms like burning and sharply cutting pain, prickling sensations and numbness.

Free radical damage is thought to contribute to aging and chronic illness. ALA helps neutralize those harmful chemicals. ALA can cross the blood-brain barrier; a wall of tiny vessels and structural cells, and pass easily into the brain. It is thought to protect brain and nerve tissue by preventing free radical damage and is used to treat Alzheimer's disease. Because of those reasons, ALA is also used to treat a myriad of other illnesses and diseases like cataracts, hardening of the arteries, hepatitis, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, high cholesterol levels, and even human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Very few side effects have been reported when taking alpha lipoic acid. A small number of people reported a tingling or "pins and needles" sensation, muscle cramps, headache or skin rash. People with diabetes who are taking medication to lower their blood sugar should take ALA under the supervision of a qualified health professional and have their blood sugar levels monitored as ALA may improve blood sugar control. Some studies have shown that ALA may alter thyroid hormone levels, so those taking thyroid medications and ALA should be monitored by their healthcare provider.

Strengthen The Body With A Nutrient Rich Diet Of Chlorella

A lot of us eat without really thinking about the food that we are putting into our bodies.  This is extremely unfortunate because diet is crucial to human health.  A good diet depends on choosing what to eat and how much to eat, because otherwise food can actually harm someone.  People’s food choices in Japan have significantly changed in recent years, with the Japanese diet becoming more and more like the American and European diet, leading to an increase in various diseases that are associated with the Western diet increasing in Japan.  This new Japanese diet is high in protein and fat and low in fiber, just the way the Western diet is. 

These dietary changes have caused an increase in body fat, sticky blood, damaged blood vessel walls, and rise in dietary-related diseases like hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipemia, cancer, heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease.  These diseases are abundant in Western countries, with the number one cause of death in the United States being heart disease.  It has been found that the main cause of death in many advanced countries is related to diet.

Chlorella has the ability to prevent diseases that are caused by diet.  Chlorella is a type of algae, the very origin of the food chain, and is a highly regarded health-food supplement for use in maintaining the human body.  Introduced to the health-food marketplace about 40 years ago, chlorella was first established in Japan and today is produced by Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Indonesia. 

Not only is it used for health-food supplementation, but also in processed foods, food additives, medication additives, marine feeds, feed additives, and fertilizers.  Chlorella is helpful in supplementing nutrients of high-quality, plant-based proteins, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, and antioxidants.  It has been shown to help lower cholesterol, regulate the intestines, detoxify the body, lower blood pressure, and regulate the immune system,  In short, chlorella helps the human body to maintain balance. 

It is likely that Chlorella appeared on the Earth many thousands of years ago.  It is a fresh-water, one-celled green algae that can be found widely in lakes and marshes throughout the world.  This plant was discovered and named by M.W. Beyerinck of Holland in 1890.  In size, chlorella is 2 to 10 microns, which is slightly smaller than a red blood cell.  It is an ancestor of such vegetables as spinach and pumpkins.  As compared to other plants, chlorella has a high concentration of chlorophyll, making its capability for photosynthesis many times higher than that of other plants.  Because of its high-quality, plant-based protein, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and antioxidants, chlorella is able to maintain human health and prevent and treat disease. 

Diseases including hyperlipemia, hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, and cancer are closely related to diet.  Heredity, aging, and environmental factors including chemical substances and stress are also all liked to the above diseases.  These diseases are on the rise in advanced countries, with a lot of them being the most prevalent causes of death in many countries.  To prevent diet-related illnesses, the diet must be balanced and lowered immune function must be improved. 

The body also needs to be protected from health-threatening chemical substances and stress.  Scientists have found that Chlorella is effective for balancing the diet, improving lowered cell function and resistance, and detoxifying chemicals and alleviating stress.  Many diet-related diseases can be prevented and treated by simply adding water-fresh chlorella to ones diet.

On The Go? Handy Health Nutrition Products

It is undeniable that the industry of health nutrition products has grown significantly with a lot of career-driven individuals spending so much more time at work with no time to think about proper food and exercise. Amidst the rush called for by the modern lifestyle, people have now discovered the cost of having a busy life and have been more conscious with their health and fitness that once took a back seat.

The career-oriented men and women with their busy lifestyles can supplement their diets due to the emergence of various health nutrition products. Having no time to plan and eat a well-balanced meal no longer serves as an excuse for the body to lack the vitamins and minerals needed to continue living actively. In addition, health nutrition products have become easily available and relatively affordable, with more and more people finding these as convenient ways to keep the body in a healthy state.

The Increasing Number of Options In Health Nutrition Products

For individuals on the career fast track, it is certainly a welcome sight to see a such a wide variety of health nutrition products in the market. This means they are not restricted to buying something that they are not terribly fond of in the first place. Instead, they can now choose anything they want that tickles their taste buds and whatever suits their particular dietary needs. Unlike in the past when health nutrition products were limited to a few variants in specialty stores, the options have grown considerably with a specific product fit for a particular age, gender, deficiency or activity level.

While ignorance of the harm that may be caused by the deficiency or excess in a certain vitamin or mineral posed a serious threat in the past, recent literature has already provided new knowledge on health nutrition products. These days, people are empowered with the tools they need to properly select the vitamins and minerals they really need. They are now made aware of how proteins, amino acids and some vitamins may not do the body any good when taken incorrectly. Some vitamins need to be taken in moderation while proteins and amino acids must be complimented with exercise.

With the demand for health nutrition products going up, the supply has also adjusted. Along with specialty stores who had previously dominated the market, local drug stores have also been selling health nutrition products. Different blends and forms have also been produced by various companies. Today, we have bars, powders, pills, suspensions and drinks. With the exonomic change in supply and demand, prices have also gone down, thereby allowing those with lower incomes to afford health nutrition products.

Although most branded health nutrition products still sell remarkably well despite the high price, many have accepted the value of buying the much cheaper generic products, which practically offer the same benefits.

4 Reasons To Buy A Kitchen Faucet Filter Today

Are you wondering if you should buy a kitchen faucet filter? If you are concerned about protecting the health and safety of your family, buying one will give you the peace of mind you seek.

In case you're asking "why" you should buy one, let me tell you all about what's wrong with common tap water today.

Chlorine Tastes Bad

Chlorine is the main reason that most people decide to get a kitchen faucet filter. It tastes and smells like pool water. Many people are allergic to it and it's bad for your digestive system. It can even cause anemia in the very young.

Dry Is Not Good

If you have dry hair, dry itchy skin, sinus problems, allergies or asthma, you shouldn't be showering in chlorinated water. You'll be amazed at the difference showerhead filters make in just a couple of days. Your skin and hair will be softer. Your sinus problems and allergies will improve. You'll have fewer asthma attacks and just feel better in general.

Why Drink Chemicals?

Some people decide to get a kitchen faucet with filter because they've read about the health risks associated with THM, a byproduct of chlorination. THM exposure increases the risk of bladder and colon cancer. It's toxic to the nervous system, as well.

The average kitchen faucet with filter will not remove THMs. You need a system that includes an adsorptive block to remove them.

Researchers have shown that THM exposure also occurs in the shower. The chemical is absorbed through the skin and turns into vapor, along with the steam. So, you inhale it and it heads straight for the blood stream.

Chloroform gas is a THM and research has shown that there is some level of chloroform in the air of most homes, due primarily to showering in unfiltered water. You may recognize chloroform as an older anesthetic.

If you suffer from chronic fatigue, bouts of dizziness or nausea, it could be caused by chloroform gas in your home. So, that's another reason that you need a showerhead, as well as a kitchen faucet filter.

If you have chlorinated water, which most of us do, there is always a risk of lead contamination. Chlorine corrodes pipes and joints, causing lead to enter the water. The best kitchen faucet with filter includes an ion exchange step to remove traces of lead and other metals like copper.

It Tastes Better

A kitchen faucet filter with ion exchange also improves the taste and healthfulness by balancing the mineral content and the pH levels. Copper is not particularly dangerous, but it does stain your fixtures, affect the color of your hair and the moisture levels in your skin; another reason to invest in showerhead filters.

You don't have to spend a fortune to get a kitchen faucet with filter. If you do a little shopping, you can find the best kitchen faucet filter and showerhead systems for less than $200 and believe me, they are well worth the cost.

Learn more about the best Tap Water Filters by visiting today.

Tyler Waterman is a health enthusiast and enjoys sharing his experience and research with others on the internet. Visit his site for additional information on this important safe and healthy water topic.

Fast Food, Healthy Heart

Many people are eating on the run in today's busy world. You're usually better off eating at home rather than dining in a restaurant. But it's still possible to make healthy selections if you have to eat fast food. Here are some rules of thumb you should follow as you’re perusing the fast food menu.

Most fast food restaurants are conscious of the reputation their food has for clogging arteries. To meet the challenge, they have introduced many food choices that are better for you. For instance, many fast food chains now have salads on the menu. Nevertheless, watch out for dressings that are loaded with saturated fat. And if your salad comes complete with deep fried chicken on top, you can be sure it's not as heart healthy as the one featuring grilled chicken.

For your sandwich, opt for grilled chicken over fried. And you can't go wrong by requesting extra vegetables on your sandwich. Rather than using mayonnaise for a dressing, choose ketchup or mustard, which are low in saturated fat.

When deciding on the side servings, select fruit or salad instead of fries. So instead of a lunch laden with saturated fat, you'll be feeding your body the fiber and vitamins it needs. You might also choose milk or juice over soda as a beverage with your meal. This can aid in maintaining normal blood sugar and give you additional vitamins and minerals.

It's alright to give in to the occasional craving for a hamburger and French fries. But be aware of the portion size you're ordering. Sometimes portion sizes at fast food franchises are so large they could easily feed two people. To reduce the amount of saturated fat in your meal, choose a small hamburger and small fries, or even a kid's meal.

When making fast food choices for your children, keep in mind that there are now a variety of healthier selections like apple or orange slices. You can also choose milk or juice rather than soda.

In a Mexican fast food place, you can eat surprisingly healthfully by choosing a simple taco or burrito. Make a point to add on as many veggies as you can to increase the fiber. You might think a taco salad is a good choice, but frequently it's high in calories as well as saturated fat.

If you mostly eat fast food, and you're not choosing the healthier menu options, you're putting your heart health at risk. Your best option is to eat at home. However, if that’s not feasible, why not try the "better for you" choices that are out there.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Free Radical Fighter - Alpha Lipoic Acid

antioxidant nutrition

What neutralizes free radicals in both watery and fatty regions of cells? What produces energy by converting glucose for our body's normal function? Alpha lipoic acid or ALA. ALA is used to treat diabetic neuropathy, hepatitis and more. Our bodies produce this antioxidant nutrition in small amounts and it occurs naturally in organ meats, peas, rice bran, Brewer's yeast, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. Supplementation is a good way to get an added boost. What other ailments is it used to treat and how much should you take? Why don't we take a look?

What makes ALA unique and gives it nutritional value is that it is both water and fat soluble, unlike the more common antioxidants vitamins C and E, and it appears to be able to recycle and extend the metabolic lifespan of antioxidants such as of vitamin C, glutathione, and coenzyme Q10, and it indirectly renews vitamin E. Vitamin C lessens oxidative stress while glutathione helps detoxify the liver. Coenzyme Q10 helps convert food energy into energy inside every cell while vitamin E helps with nerve conduction.

Alpha lipoic acid helps treat the symptoms of a common complication of diabetes called peripheral neuropathy. By speeding the removal of glucose from the bloodstream, ALA enhances insulin function and reduces insulin resistance. A large number of cases of coronary heart disease and obesity are a direct or indirect result of those two factors. Symptoms such as prickling sensations, numbness, burning and sharply cutting pain are relieved by this very useful nutritional supplement.

Free radical damage is thought to contribute to aging and chronic illness. ALA helps neutralize those harmful chemicals. ALA can cross the blood-brain barrier; a wall of tiny vessels and structural cells, and pass easily into the brain. It is thought to protect brain and nerve tissue by preventing free radical damage and is used to treat Alzheimer's disease. Because of those reasons, ALA is also used to treat a myriad of other illnesses and diseases like cataracts, hardening of the arteries, hepatitis, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, high cholesterol levels, and even human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Though very few, a small number of side effects have been reported when using alpha lipoic acid as a nutritional supplement. They include muscle cramps, skin rash, tingling or a "pins and needles" sensation, or headache. Because ALA can improve blood sugar control, diabetics who take medication to lower their blood sugar should be monitored by their health care provider when taking ALA. People on thyroid medications should also be under the supervision of their healthcare provider if they take this supplement as it can alter thyroid hormone levels.

Vitamin C: The Immunity Booster

Remember your mom insisting that you eat citrus fruits regularly when you were a kid? Nothing could be more beneficial! Citrus fruits are a warehouse of Vitamin C, which we need to ensure proper functioning of various organs and systems in our body. So thank your mom, and make sure your kids too get the right amount of Vitamin C from their diet.


Oranges, lemons, tangerines, limes, grapefruit, tropical guava, and kiwi fruit are excellent sources of Vitamin C. Papaya, strawberries, black currants, red peppers, tomatoes; potatoes, broccoli, and cauliflower are some other sources. If you include these in your family’s diet, there will be no need for Vitamin C supplements.


Vitamin C performs various immunity functions; it helps in wound healing and prevents infections from spreading. Vitamin C is essential to prevent scurvy and for sperm production. It provides energy and aids in the production of certain hormones that help to fight-off stress. It also protects against heart ailments. It addition, it is essential for the formation and health of cartilage, skin, and blood vessels and helps our body to easily excrete toxins.


Research indicates that low levels of Vitamin C in the body show a strong correlation with cancers of the esophagus, mouth, stomach, and pancreas. Another research shows that consuming small amounts of citrus fruits reduces the incidence of skin cancer. Some studies suggest that Vitamin C can help control pain and inflammation. However, Vitamin C cannot help you cure colds, contrary to popular belief.


To ensure that you get adequate amounts of Vitamin C from your diet keep cooking time and temperature at a minimum. Also, don’t throw away the water you used in the cooking process. You can store cut fruits and vegetables in the fridge for future use without them losing too much of Vitamin C. However, don’t cook in copper vessels. An interesting fact is that Vitamin C levels in fruits vary with ripeness. For example, in some fruits, unripe versions have more Vitamin C than very ripe ones, and in other fruits the case is just opposite.  In addition, different varieties of the same fruit tend to have different levels of Vitamin C. This is clearly demonstrated in the case of the tropical guava.  


The recommended daily intake varies between 30 and 60 mg across different studies. Research indicates that women who are pregnant or lactating may have a higher requirement. However, just because Vitamin C has loads of health benefits you don’t need to consume vast amounts of fruits and vegetables rich in this vitamin. Remember to add five fruits and vegetables in your daily diet; choose whichever you like and eat moderately. Fruits like grapefruit are known to react with some prescription drugs, so consult your doctor before you include this fruit in your diet. Consumption of too much Vitamin C either through dietary sources or by way of supplements may lead to severe indigestion, headache, and excessive urination. So the health tip is: “don’t overdo!”

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Is Natural Mineral Water Healthy? Discover the True Facts About Mineral Water

Is natural mineral water healthy? How many of you know the answer for this question? What really surprises me is that a lot of people do not really know the answer for this seemingly easy question. The answer is yes. Natural mineral water is healthy and it is very, very essential for your body. We need water to function as more than 70% of our body is composed of nothing but water.   

If water is all we need, why not drink any water? Why do doctors consider mineral water healthy? These are, again, valid questions. But you have to understand that naturally occurring water contains a lot of essential minerals. These minerals are very, very important for our body. The problem with the water filter units today is that most of those units destroy these essential minerals while purifying water. As a result, the water you get is de-mineralized and it's not fit for drinking.   

Reverse osmosis and point of use distillation are two such water purification methods which make water completely undrinkable. Both these methods don't give a hundred percent pure water as the former is not capable of removing herbicide traces from water and the latter is not capable of removing organic compounds from water. And to make things worse, both these methods destroy the essential minerals present in water. Completely unaware of this, a lot of people are using RO filter units and distillation units.   

Some people are just too smart. They use mineral revitalization systems. This is the perfect way of beating around the bush. These systems work in a peculiar way. They have two units - one for purifying water and the other for re-mineralizing water. The purifying unit usually consists of RO filters or distillation units. They completely destroy the essential minerals present in water. And then the revitalization unit re-mineralizes the water. And then they come up with fancy names like natural mineral water H20 and stuff like that.   

The only question you need to ask yourself is - why use such systems which are time consuming and laborious when you have methods like active carbon block filtration which is simply way more effective than any other methods today? The truth is, not many people realize the amazingly simple method in which active carbon filters work.   

Active carbon blocks are considered very effective in removing different types of contaminants present in water. In a multi chambered carbon filter, there are more than two of such blocks and water passes through all these blocks. As a result, the water you get is very pure. Most importantly, these blocks don't destroy the essential minerals present in water. So, there you have it. Your quest for the perfect natural mineral water H20 has finally ended.   

And don't just take my word for it. Multi chambered carbon filtration is considered the best water purification method and it is recommended by doctors around the world.   

The way I see it, people who consider natural mineral water healthy will not ever use a water purification system which destroys the essential minerals present in water. Now, my question to you is - are you one of them? If you are, buy the best product today and don't settle for anything less.

How You Can Lose Weight with Nutrition Supplements

Dietitians, nutritionists and most diet books will advise that you should divide your daily intake of food so that you are eating five or six small meals a day. If you go to see, it seems to be a lot of food that you are actually eating, even if you are eating smaller portions. Do you know that you can get the same results if you include nutrition supplements along with your actual meals? In any case you ought to be including vitamins and nutrition supplements whether you want to lose weight or just stay healthy. The best thing is that you don’t have to fork out a great deal of money on nutrition supplements. You can achieve your health and dietary goals with minimal expense with advice from your local nutrition center.

The Importance of Nutritional Balance

It is of utmost importance that your food intake is nutritionally balanced so that you get optimum value from the food you eat. This is regardless of whether you want to lose weight or maintain your current weight and stay healthy at the same time. You should know how many calories you are supposed to take in everyday. If you want to maintain your weight and have a more or less sedentary lifestyle, you should take your weight and multiply it by 13 to get your ideal calorie intake. If you are moderately active, you should multiply it by 14 and if you are extremely active multiply it by 15. This sum will give you the number of calories you can take in to stay the same weight you are now. If you want to lose weight, however, you should reduce your calorie intake by 500, so that on a reduced calorie diet you will be able to achieve weight loss. In case you want to gain weight, you can increase your calorie intake by 500. However, it is even more important that you eat the right foods whether you want to lose, gain or maintain weight, because all calories do not come from the same kind of foods.

Cutting Out Junk Foods

There are lots of foods which have empty calories, that is the calories from the foods do not have any nutritional value whatsoever. Even if you take in nutrition supplements and think you are doing yourself a world of good by doing so, but are always eating junk foods like chocolate cakes, cookies, soda, desserts, high fat foods and the like, you are not doing the healthy thing. Your diet must have lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish and more natural and high fiber foods which should make up at least ninety percent of your total food intake. Nutrition supplements like vitamins, protein shakes, protein bars and similar nutrition supplements can augment your meal intake and even, at times, substitute for some meals.

A Balanced Diet

It is vital to eat breakfast with carbohydrates and proteins so that you achieve some nutritional balance to start your day and help you go through it. A healthy breakfast would comprise of a high fiber cereal with skim milk and some fruit. Later, as a snack you can have a protein shake or a nutrition supplement and some fruit. Lunch can comprise a lean meat or fish dish along with a large helping of vegetables and some brown rice or whole wheat bread. Another nutrition supplement can be had as a snack when hunger pangs strike and dinner can be similar to lunch. If, at bed-time, you are hungry again, you can have another nutrition supplement, but make sure that you do not exceed your daily calorie intake, because it is easy for excess calories to turn to fat when you are asleep and you don’t want that to happen.

Find more info about nutrition.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Eat Super Foods for More Energy!

Would you like to have more energy? That's a silly question, you might say. More energy is something most people would enjoy having. There's no secret to learning to become more energetic. It's all about eating healthy super foods because they can make you more energetic as well as making you feel better.

Where can these foods be found? They can be found at your local grocery store and in your own cupboards. Surprisingly, they can even be found in fast food restaurants. These healthy foods should be easy to prepare and they taste great.

Learn more about  a healthy food list.

Let's take a look at what healthy foods are. There are many luscious fruit choices -- such as apricots, apples, lemons, bananas and many more. Vegetables too are good for you and there are many you can choose. Don't forget whole grains too, including rice. Next try a variety of raw nuts such as walnuts and almonds. Select yogurt that has live acidophilus in it. Try to avoid foods that are overly processed and that contain a lot of sugar and caffeine.

Simply adding more fruit to your daily diet during the day can boost your energy level? Eat vegetables and grains to fix a quick meal that can give you staying power. Eat a light dinner which would include vegetables and proteins. You can snack during the day on nuts mixed with dried fruit as one choice.

You can choose to eat super foods at fast food restaurants too. Why not select a salad instead of a hamburger.

Foods that make you healthier should be fresh and not overly processed which drains them of their energy-boosting power.

When you get the urge to snack, select fresh or dried fruit and nuts.

The simple suggestions in this article just may help you become a lot more energetic.

Investigate more health tips to help yourself and your family be healthier.

Nutrition Antioxidants Found In Fruit And Vegetables Provide A Host Of Health Benefits

Although it has been known for a while that compounds in plants contain properties capable of protecting us from coronary conditions and cancer, it is only now becoming known just how extensive this ability may be. Nutrition antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables work together with other nutrients to protect your health. To date, scientists have managed to index over 900 hundred of these wonderful compounds but they believe that they are only just beginning and this could be the future of preventative health care in the world.

There has been a huge number of health benefits discovered so far from blueberries, pomegranates and cherries alone which can help reduce the signs of aging to relieving joint pain. Unrecognized for many years, the properties contained in the blueberry are only just now being appreciated with many antioxidant compounds contained in a fruit with very low sugar content.

Juice provides many benefits that will help improve the immune system and blood circulation. They can also strengthen the body's ability to fight disease and infection due to its powerful antioxidants and healthy nutrients.

Apples are now coming under the spotlight as potential helpers in the struggle against heart illness. Even lemons and other citrus fruits are proving very capable at providing useful phytochemicals of their own.

Tart cherries for instance have a number of antioxidants which work together to help people who have arthritis, gout and fibromyalgia. This extends to the vitamins B, C and E plus other minerals which have antioxidant properties that are already widely known and used.

Other types of antioxidants are found in mulberries, blackberries and blueberries, called resveratrol, Phytoalexins have anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. These antioxidants can help or suppress harmful body aging processes that often end in heart attacks, stroke, faulty blood pressure, and Alzheimer's disease.

The benefit of tomatoes has been in the news recently with the hopes that it contains anti-cancer properties as well as those that can help prevent heart disease. There are a number of ways you can use tomatoes to gain the greatest benefit from them including pureed, juice concentrate and sauce.

The sweet, juicy watermelon is actually packed with some of the most important antioxidants in nature. With all the natural goodness fruit contains and now the health benefits as well, isn't it time for you to start having more fruit in your diet.

Find more info on healthy diet visit Gourmet Olive Oils

Why Are People Becoming So Obese?

Good Nutrition Is Never Wrong

Your body is a direct result of your genetics, what you eat and how much you exercise. Well you don't have much control over your DNA, but you do have control over what you eat and how much you exercise. If you try to starve yourself to get thin you may be successful at first. However, you are doing great harm to your body and eventually the need to eat will overcome you. That is why it is better to eat smart by eating healthy.

Balance Is Important

Excellent nutrition cannot be attained without balance. You will not need to forget about your favorite foods, desserts, and special treats. You do, however, have to balance these out so that you don't get too overweight. Fruits, vegetables, and lean meats should be eaten, as well as vitamins or other nutrition supplements. Treats and desserts can be used to reward yourself for sticking to your nutrition plan all week. You can maintain a healthy weight by eating well for an entire week and then splurging one or even two days during that week; provided that you burn off the excess calories with exercise.

If You're Overweight

If you currently weigh too much and desire to shed those excess pounds, good nutrition paired with exercise is the only means to achieve it. A balanced diet means that you eat smaller amounts but more often. (for instance, eating six times every day) and get at least a half an hour of exercise 3-5 times a week, and you'll lose weight before you know it! It remains that there is no quick remedy for losing weight. You have to work at it. But you don't have to do it like on the infomercials, where they're all sweating and panting to death. If your nutrition is balanced, you can burn enough calories to lose weight with just a few walks around the block each day.

Sport Drinks Have Helped Athletes Achieve Their Goals and So Have Become Popular

Sports Drink Commercial

By now, everyone is aware of the need to exercise regularly. It is also very important to be sure you keep your body well-hydrated during your workouts. Sport drinks are a unique type of beverage, designed to give your system the fluids it requires, plus other essential ingredients. In most instances, a sports beverage will also provide the body with a mild mix of electrolytes and carbohydrates.

These products, such as the Gatorade sports drink or the Accelerade sports drink are especially important for anyone who exercises for a period of 45 minutes or more. Not only do these beverages help you retain a good level of hydration, they also provide energy so that you can continue your workout and build your endurance levels.

Another primary benefit that the sport drinks deliver to people who are working out is that they keep the core body temperature from rising too much during the exercise session. This is important in keeping stress on the cardiovascular system under control and this is of extra importance when exercising in hot or humid conditions.

The products on the sports drink market provide anywhere from 14 to 20 grams of carbohydrates for each 8 ounce serving. This level of carbohydrates in the endurance drink, which is about six to eight percent of the solution, delivers just the right balance of fluid and energy in order to best enhance a person's performance during a workout.

The carbohydrate components can be delivered in a number of forms with sucrose, fructose, glucose, and glucose polymers being the most common. The various components can also be combined in a sports drink mix. An energy sports drink that contains mainly fructose will have a tendency to slow down the absorption and could cause stomach cramping because the fructose is absorbed by a process called "passive diffusion" in the stomach.

For any exercise session of more than 45 minutes, it is advised to sip a sport drink continually during the session. A good rule of thumb is to drink about four to six ounces of an electrolyte sports drink for each 15 minutes of exercise, in order to maintain the right level of hydration in your system. The hotter and more humid the environment is that you are exercising in, the more of the nutrition sports drink you will need to consume.

One of the most important aspects of choosing the right sport drink to use with your workout is making sure that it is palatable for you. If you enjoy the taste, then you will be more likely to drink it throughout your workout and maintain good hydration. It is a good idea to test a few brands to find the right one before you buy a case or two of sports drink bottles and end up being stuck with a sports beverage you can't stand.

The primary reason why one should use sport drinks instead of plain water while working out is to maintain the right levels of blood glucose. In this way, the body can sustain good energy production, which will enable longer exercise periods and increased intensity for effective workouts.

Not every drink is alike. There are litterally hundreds of different types of colas as well as waters on the open market nowadays, and if you also include sports drinks that are at present a fad type of beverage the end result is a dizzying array of beverage that you can anyone confused. However for the people who are devoted sports enthusiasts who are looking to get the most ideal nutrition possible or to change their physical appearance a sports drink is one of the best ways possible to get the advantage of the caloric consumption contained within beverages. It is a drink that is loaded with nutrients, vitamins as well as proteins. You can get that added punch too. For added educational learning, click here: Vegan Bodybuilding and at Bodybuilding Clothing also Vegan Bodybuilder

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Why Are People Becoming So Obese?

Obesity is a world-wide problem. Even the nations that never before had to worry about obesity, such as China, Japan and even Korea, are now seeing an epidemic. An increasing waistline is a problem virtually everyone shares. Is the human race destined to be overweight? If not, what is causing this strange occurence? There answer is really just inadequate nutrition. Nutrition is something that we are severely lacking when it comes to what we eat, how much we eat and when we eat.Our ever-expanding girth should come as no surprise when fast food restaurants spring-up like weeds, individual serving sizes can feed at least two people and food quality has decreased. Nevertheless, there's an answer and it lies in nutritional awareness.

Food Is Our Energy Source

Today we keep our focus on food and it's taste, as well as the quantity of it we eat, and we often overlook the basic fact that food is just our fuel. Food gives us the energy we need to get through our days. When our bodies have an overabundance of food, it is stored as fat. Fat isn't our body's way of getting back at us or its way of being spiteful, our body's are merely acting as they were designed to do. Fat provides heat when we're cold, it provides insulation to our bones and internal organs and even our muscles and it is a way of preventing starvation. When we eat too much, and we don't burn off those calories with exercise or everyday activities, the excess gets turned into fat. With so much food we consume nowadays, our fat is increasing at a quickening pace.

Know Thy Enemy

Fat does not appear out of thin air, weight gain is something that we gain slowly over time if we are not careful. They say that knowledge is power, but that is only true if you use it. Eating healthy, taking nutrition supplements and exercising is the best way to combat fat. Know your enemy and you will be able to overcome them. Don't stop gaining knowledge and use what you learn and you will be a winner at whatever you do.

Food nutrition value

Reading and Understanding Food Nutrition Value

When you go to the supermarket to shop for food, odds are you noticed that there was a listing of nutrients and ingredients on the back of the food package and wondered exactly what the point of that was. It turns out that some time ago the United States government realized that people were eating improperly because they likely didn’t understand what exactly was in the food they were eating. Not knowing calories, fat contents and other nutrient values in food can lead to eating too much of a certain nutrient or other compound. This can lead to health problems down the road, which is why you have to understand food nutrition value.

What Food Nutrition Value Measures

Food nutrition value measures raw food nutrition, which is the amount of nutrients given to the body from a given serving of food. Nutritional value is measured in terms of a percentage, meaning how much of a mparticluar nutrient your body getws from eating one serving of a given food. For example a slie of meat might give 40% of a peson’s daily value for protein. The food nutrition value is based on a person’s daily calorie intake. Every nutrient except for water has a certain amount of calores per gram, and all these add up to a full day’s worth of calorie consumption. There are generally two listings on a food nutrition value – one for 2000 calories and one for 2500.

2000 calories per day is the average adult human intake, meaning that It takes into account base metabolic rate and a reasonable amount of extra activity. The more you exercise, the more calories will be necessary to keep the body running, because more muscle tissues use more calories. Generally, people who are more active require at least 2500 calories per day. Men require more than women on average as well.

The best way to make use of knowing food nutrition value on the packaging is to mentally calculate how much of that food you could eat to get your recommended daily allowance of the most abundant nutrient. For most people, they look at the fat content first, and this may or may not be the wisest. After all, there are other nutrients than fat. You should look at vitamin A and C content in fruit or vegetable products especially. As a rule, you should be able to eat three servings of a given food at least and still be wihin your allotment of nutrients and calories, and make sure there’s a balance between calories and nutrients.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Looking For Information On Organic Food?

Just take a look at how the world has changed over the last fifty years, not all of it has been good. As you arrived at this site you are obviously looking for organic food information and you are no doubt aware that a better alternative exists and are looking at the source and production practices of the companies entrusted with producing the worlds food supplies.

The purpose of this organic food information is to give you a better understanding of what is going into the production of your food. You will understand that there are many benefits to organic food that you were unaware of before. The main reason  behind knowing about organic food information is the fact that farmers of mass produced produce  are resorting to using a lethal cocktail of artificial fertilizers and  pesticides to control disease and insect attack in order to produce more crops to satisfy the worlds growing demand.  These artificial additives leave a toxic chemical residue in and on the fruit and vegetables we consume which in turn is absorbed and stored by our bodies.

It must be recognized that the quality of food has gone down in recent years. Today’s fruits have nowhere near the Vitamin C levels they did in years past. However, with this organic food information, you will understand that organic food has approximately fifty percent more nutrients, minerals and vitamins than any other form of produce that has been grown under intensive farming. Therefore, if you aren’t consuming non organic produce you will have to increase the volumes you eat in order to make up for this deficiency. But, as you will see, the dangerous cycle continues because you will be consuming more chemicals that are harmful tor your health.

What About The Beef and Poultry We Eat?

Another topic to be considered in organic food information is the production of meats and poultry. Most of us only consider produce when it comes to organic food information disregarding the production processes involved when producing beef and poultry. Antibiotics and hormones are given to both cattle and poultry that are being reared and fattened in pens and cages.. Ask yourself what happens to all these antibiotics and hormones when the animal is slaughtered, the residue of these antibiotics and growth hormones is left in the meat which is then consumed, digested and stored in our bodies. There is no way that an animal that isn’t kept in healthy conditions can produce healthy meat for humans to eat.

I challenge you to try organic product, not only will it be healthy for you but you will also be able to eat produce and meat that are produced naturally. You will likely be so impressed with the taste of organic fruit that you will never return to the mass produced fruit again. While cost and availability can be a big issue for some, do a bit of research online and I am sure you will find a local store that stocks organic produce for a reasonable price.

Even better, take a look around and I am sure you can find an organic farm near your home this will allow you to go direct to the farmer who produces organic produce. With the increase in the popularity of organic food information many farmers are turning to organic methods so you should have no problem finding one in your area. In addition, you can often get cheaper prices when you purchase from the farmer rather than getting from the store.

Monday, October 6, 2008

How Diet Is In Direct Correlation To Your Health

health and fitness

Living a healthy lifestyle generally means eating a balanced diet, participating in a moderate exercise program, limiting alcohol consumption, not smoking and maintaining a normal weight. It may sound daunting to most people who are limited by job and family commitments, time constraints or simply lack of initiative. Making sure your body is in good health does not mean you must be a slave to food and exercise. Small changes in lifestyle can have a big impact.

Eating right does not have to be a chore. Some rudimentary alterations to your shopping list for the next time that you go to a grocery store will help you get onto the right path to eating more healthy. Substitutions that are smaller such as consuming more vegetables as well as fruits and consuming lower amounts of foods that are refined and processed over an extended period of time lowers your calorie intake as well as increases your nutrient content. It is not in your best interest to force yourself into doing away with your entire way of how you eat and begin with something that would be restrictive. Feeling deprived leads to failure. Go slow and enjoy each new item you add to the menu.

Exercise does not have to be a dirty word. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, start slow and increase your activity level as you reach small goals you set for yourself. It may be just using the stairs at work instead of using the elevator. Over time, you might decide to walk for part of your lunch break. Eventually you may want to join a fitness center to increase your progress. Go at a pace you are comfortable with and enjoy.

If you smoke, consider a smoking cessation program. There are medications in pill, patch and gum form that can assist you in stopping. Talking to a counselor or adopting a quit-smoking buddy has been shown to help smokers quit smoking at higher rate than trying to go it alone. Side effects of smoking include rapid heartbeat, decreased circulation, and shortness of breath and more serious problems like cancer, emphysema and heart disease can eventually develop.

Drinking alcohol in moderation has actually been shown to benefit the cardiovascular system. Nonetheless, taking in more than one 8 ounce glass or even two has the ability to result in damage to yur liver. The liver acts as a giant filter system of the body. When the filter is clogged, the body does not function properly. Jaundice, gallstones, blood clotting difficulties, organ failure and death can result when the liver is compromised.

Knowing your body mass index (BMI) can help you calculate what a healthy weight is for your body type. You can calculate your BMI by dividing your weight by the square of your height or go online and use a BMI calculating tool. Regulating your diet and adding health fitness weekly can help stabilize your weight.

You've stopped thinking about your body and what you put into it. You're listless and you lack energy. Serious health issues may run in your family. Overwhelmed by what lies ahead? You can adopt a health fitness lifestyle by adding healthier food to your menu, integrating daily exercise into your routine, stopping smoking and drink a glass of red wine with a meal. To maintain a normal weight, you must increase your level of activity and eat a balanced diet. Set your goals and remind yourself that small changes add up to big results over time.

If you like to walk as exercise then you know how important a role weather plays in your walking schedule. Most people will not bother to go walking if it is too hot outside, too cold or if it is raining. Treadmills are the best solution to this problem. You never have to worry about bad weather and you can exercise in the comfort of your own home. If you have never tried out a treadmill then the time has come to give this exercise machine a try! Click here to get more information: Physical Fitness Articles also Aerobic  Fitness and at Home  Fitness  Workout

Just The Facts About Nutrition

It's amazing how more than ever before, people are beginning to look at the way they live their lives with entirely new perspective. Obesity and a overall nutritionally poor diets can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars, not to mention your life because they create so many health problems.

If you have not been paying that close of attention before, now is the time to start paying attention to the nutrition facts that are on the labels of most of the foods you buy. These nutritional facts are placed there for your benefit so take advantage of this information.

To truly understand which foods you should avoid at all costs and which foods are good for you or not, you must pay attention to the nutrition facts. Having a nice treat every so often is not all that bad but the point is to avoid the bad foods as much as possible. To see which brand is better for you, comparing the nutrition facts on the lable you will be the best way thing to do. When it comes to a particular food, not all brands are the same so take extra care in reading the nutritional facts for that brand.

More Tips And Hints

Trying to read and compare the nutrition facts on the labels of our food can be a little confusing at times if you really do not know what you should be looking out for. Most people fail to realize that when comparing nutrition facts on lables for single servings, not all serving sizes are the same.

The label will give you the measurements for what is considered one serving size for that particular food item. When you double the serving size you must also remember to double the nutrition facts.

When looking over the different nutrition facts, make sure you are paying close attention to the total fat, the calories, and the dietary fiber that is in each serving. There are many more nutritional facts out there today, however, these three are the main ones looked at when you are trying to diet or simply watch what you eat.

Watching these few items all by themselves is a great way to get started and you will probably notice a change in how you feel in a matter of just a few weeks.

Infertility Diet

How Successful is the Infertility Diet?

When dealing with the issue of infertility and difficulties with conception, most couples of course want to try anything and everything they can to help the process along.  With that thought in mind, some wonder if there is such a thing as an infertility diet, and if so, does it actually work?  Can your eating habits do anything to help or hinder your situation with pregnancy?  Let’s examine some of that information here.

Doctors Respond to the Infertility Diet

In a new study cited in OBGYN News, a group of Harvard researchers found that 79% of infertile couples had a lower-than-average intake of foods high in antioxidants - like fruits and vegetables.  In one study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Medicine, doctors found that after one week of daily doses of 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C, sperm counts rose by some 140%.  Obviously, when dealing with infertility, diet and getting enough of the right vitamins is helpful to some.

More recently, a study published in the Archives of Andrology showed the antioxidants vitamin E and selenium improved the ability of sperm to swim - a skill necessary to reach the egg.

Physical Activity is Part of the Infertility Diet

Exercise also improves muscle tone and good muscle tone helps every aspect of your system as well.  Excessive body weight also puts undue pressure on the reproductive organs and doesn’t allow them to function optimally; obese persons often suffer from reproductive issues.  When dealing with infertility, diet alone may not be enough.  Regular physical activity must be part of the equation as well.

However, you don’t want to go overboard in this direction either.  It’s been sadly reported that many young female athletes that are pushed to excessive physical activity have irregular periods and subsequent issues with reproduction.  Starving your body of vital nutrients and overworking it physically will take a tremendous toll on your system, and this is true for both men and women.  So if you do exercise and keep track of your diet, make sure you’re being balanced and healthy.

But modest exercise is beneficial in so many ways, not just when discussing the infertility diet.  Exercising increases the blood circulation and good circulation is important for all aspects of health.  Blood brings nutrients to every part of the body and filters away dead cells.

Additionally, eating right and exercising will make a person feel better all around; feeling more positive will lead to a reduction in stress, which is also beneficial when trying to conceive.  And when thinking about your infertility diet, this may be something that helps to draw you together as a couple, which can lead to a better, more active sex life – another important aspect of conception!  So never dismiss the thought that your condition can be helped or hindered by your eating habits and exercising; even doctors agree that when dealing with infertility, diet is important, as is exercise and physical activity.

Fertility Treatment